These images can be read as a hymn to democracy. There is no greater hero than the nameless worker, the faceless pensioner, the anonymous housewife whose ambitions rarely spill beyond survival. No grandstanding, no triumphalism, nothing important, nothing resembling grandeur – only the anti-hero going about unheroic errands. Ages of convoluted innocence. The more everyday, the more genuinely epic and the more real.
Daria Troitskaia recoils from the facile, the obvious, the shallow lures of the pretty, the bait of the emotive, to hunt instead for a raw Malta, an actual Malta. She has nothing to learn on the technical level – her images prevail faultless, her cropping impeccable.
If I try to identify a one-word common denominator that runs through the images of this book, I would opt for ‘truth’. Unvarnished, crude, piercing truth. Rarely unkind, but mostly unforgiving.
Giovanni Bonello
Cover: Hardback
Weight: 1080 g
Dimensions: 25.8 × 23.2 cm
Year of publication: 2020
Pages: 172
Purchase it from BDL Books
In Press
12/2020 Vamp Magazine
12/2020 The Malta artpaper.
11/2020 Happening in Malta
11/2020 Times of Malta
11/2020 Indulge
11/2020 The Malta Independent
This booklet was made for our current exhibition (29th of October 2022 - 28th of January 2023) with photos from the photographer Daria Troitskaia. The booklet contains all 53 images and is a limited edition. It also contains a gallery text about the photographer herself and an interview. All included texts are in German, as well as in English.
Limited edition
Cover: Hardback
Dimensions: DIN A4 format
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 62